Who is MedCom?
About MedCom
Connecting digital healthcare in Denmark

The ambition of MedCom is to provide the Danish healthcare sector with the best possible conditions for offering treatment and care for patients.
In this way, we ensure that relevant information is available when it is needed across the sectors.
MedCom achieves this through a number of projects and activities.
MedCom is a publicly funded, non-profit organisation financed and owned by the Ministry of the Interior and Health, Danish Regions and Local Government Denmark.
Some facts
Established in 1994.
Approx. 50 employees.
Located in Odense, Funen, Denmark
MedCom strives towards a modern, secure and internationally founded digital communication with a focus on quick benefits for a healthcare sector where healthcare providers work closely together – and not forgetting the important links to other sectors.
What we actually do
MedCom develops, tests and certifies (and helps implement) digital standards that enable systems in the healthcare sector to exchange relevant data in a secure way. We do it in close cooperation with all parts of the healthcare sector, incl. IT vendors.
The main implementation of IT solutions across sectors is anchored in the regions, municipalities, general practitioners (GPs), and other specialists, such as the providers of health services and their IT vendors. The collaboration is often the result of health and financial agreements made between the state, regions, and the primary sector.
In pursuit of enhanced and effective digital solutions within the Danish healthcare sector, Healthcare Denmark has released a report outlining significant milestones in the digital transformation journey. For more information, please read the full report here.
The role of MedCom is to provide digital solutions that connect all the healthcare providers, as information on patients and citizens is to be shared amongst them. This could, for instance, be the development and subsequent implementation of a new or updated technical communication standard, e.g. a discharge summary that is shared by the hospital with the patient’s GP, or a rehabilitation plan from the hospital to the municipality as a patient transitions from specialised hospital rehabilitation to municipal rehabilitation services.
Additionally, MedCom supports local implementation and activities through coordination of national initiatives and projects towards joint cross-sectoral goals.
All activities happen in close collaboration with regions, municipalities, the primary sector, and IT vendors.
Here you can see some statistics of the use of MedCom’s standards (PDF).
This page was last edited in January 2025
Overall, MedCom engages in four types of activities:
MedCom has developed standards since the 90s and has a legacy of EDIFACT (international format) and OIOXML (Danish format) standards. In the coming years, MedCom is converting all its standards to HL7 FHIR and has already published the first FHIR standards on GITHUB.
Along with the modernisation of MedCom’s standards, the infrastructure on which they are exchanged is also undergoing a transformation. We aim to build and implement a national combined messaging and data sharing infrastructure framework based on eDelivery components and FHIR services.
The efforts received the X-eHealths Interoperability Award 2022 in the categories Trust-inspiring, Innovative excellence and Technical excellence.
Read more about the project from a security, innovative and technical excellence perspective.
Janne Rasmussen
Internationalt team
Koordinering & Kommunikation
Mie Hjorth Matthiesen
Internationalt team
Koordinering & Kommunikation