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International activities

MedCom has a long tradition of participating in international projects and networks


Especially when it comes to standards, HL7® FHIR® has both the international community’s attention as well as MedCom’s.

In the coming years, MedCom is converting all its standards to HL7 FHIR and for that reason, MedCom is engaged in the international HL7 community through the Danish HL7 affiliate and follows all international HL7 FHIR activities closely.

Furthermore, MedCom has a seat on the committee for health informatics in Danish Standards. In this forum, the relations to the international standardisation work related to ISO and CEN is managed. In addition, MedCom follows the IHE framework through close international contacts.

Counselling and networks

MedCom offers counselling internationally for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida in Mexico and via EHTEL when countries wish to learn from MedCom’s experiences.

MedCom also helps promote Danish health-it through participation in international conferences and in cooperation with Healthcare Denmark who hosts international delegations.

EHTEL – The European eHealth Multidisciplinary Stakeholder Platform – is the one multi-stakeholder organisation within Europe that brings together organisations and individuals engaged in all aspects of eHealth. Its unique structure enables the exchange of ideas and information leading to innovation and improvement in the delivery of eHealth solutions and the transformation of health and social care. It does not lobby on behalf of particular groups but rather facilitates interaction between all of them.

International projects

MedCom has participated in international projects and networks since its establishment in the 1990s. These projects within have been within the areas of welfare technology, telemedicine, interoperability and standard development.

Nowadays, MedCom participates in less international projects and solely projects which are strategically important for Denmark and directly related to our core activities.

MedCom stays orientated around relevant funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe, EU4Health, Digital Europe and activities around the EU Health Data Space.

In December 2023, the xShare project kicked off. xShare is a 3-year Horizon Europe project envisioning everyone sharing their health data in EEHRxF with a click-of-a-button.

MedCom is the project coordinator and will steer this large project with 40 partners together with HL7 Europe.

xShare project logo

This page was last edited in January 2025


Portrætfoto af Janne Rasmussen

Janne Rasmussen



Internationalt team

Koordinering & Kommunikation

Portrætfoto af Mie Hjorth Matthiesen

Mie Hjorth Matthiesen


Internationalt team

Koordinering & Kommunikation