SDNv4: Operation
Opdated 13th June 2024
Service target
The service target for both the central SDN and the decentralised network components (SDN SD-WAN) is 99.9% uptime. More specifically, it should be in operation 24/7, every day between 00:00 and 24:00.
Response and solution time
- P1 – Critical: Response time is a maximum of 15 min. The time to find a solution is 2 hours.
- P2 – Significant: Response time is a maximum of 15 min. The time to find a solution is 4 hours.
- P3 – Less significant: Response time is 4 hours. The time to find a solution is within next workday.
- P4 – Not significant: Response time is 3 workdays. The time to find a solution is within 10 workdays.
Response and solution times for categories 1-3 apply 24/7, meaning the SDN provider must report back and continue working until the incident is resolved, unless otherwise agreed with MedCom.
Support inquiries
The service target for response time at the service desk of the SDN provider is as follows:
- By phone: 1 minute
- Electronic (email, web, etc.): Within 1 minute.
Response time for changes
The service target for response time for changes is as follows:
- Change critical: 30 minutes
- Change standard: 1 workday
- Service critical: 2 hours
- Service standard: 8 hours
- Delivery critical: 1 hour
- Delivery standard: 8 hours
Operation reports
TDC Erhverv prepares a monthly operations report in relation with the agreed SLA.
Operations status and monitoring
Through the following link, you will be able to follow the operations status of all SDN connections. (Smokeping)
Through the following link, you will be able to view the monthly management report on operations and applications/traffic (PDF, in Danish only).
Service windows
The service windows for normal and standard changes are defined.
A warning of and orientation of normal changes will be provided through an operational announcement to the connected parties. Standard changes will not be announced.
If the service window is caused by resolution of an urgent issue, it will be completed as quickly as possible and treated as an emergency change. The connected parties will be informed as soon as possible after completion. If the change caused the system to be out of operation.
Through the following link, you can find general information and contact details for support.
Contact persons
Peder Illum
Lars Hillerup
Thomas Lindal Winther