Bindeleddet i det digitale sundhedsvæsen



Starter pack

If an organisation wishes to connect to the SDN, the first step is to contact MedCom and have a dialogue about the SDN. Contact details at the bottom of the page.

Some of the questions which are usually discussed are:

Connection Agreement and Data Processor Agreement

On connection to the SDN, a connection agreement for the use of the SDN and a data processor agreement must be concluded: 

The Data Processor Agreement comes in two versions: 

The Data Processor Agreement has been prepared on the basis of a common public sector template to be used in connection with data processor agreements between the healthcare sector parties, including MedCom. The template is firmly anchored in the joint public sector system management of healthcare IT solutions (FSI). The template has been prepared on the basis of the Danish Data Protection Agency’s background.

The Connection Agreement and the Data/Sub-data Processor Agreement needs to be completed, signed and sent to MedCom at

Regions, public and private hospitals, practitioners with public health insurance, municipalities, pharmacies and private laboratories are pre-approved to be connected to SDN.

Foreign parties needs to be approved in MedComs steering group before they can be connected to SDN.

Municipalities who is connected to SDN via KMD does not need a separate connection agreement with MedCom since they are covered by the agreement betweeen KMD and MedCom.

The same applies to medical practitioners who are connected to SDN via their medical system provider.

Technical process for connection to SDN

When the formality with connection and data processor agreement is finished the process with the technical connection to SDN will be started. This process will go through the following steps:

  • MedCom will send an information form to the connected party. The form will contain, among other things, the technical contact persons information and technical information such as SDN IP-scope
  • The connected party will fill out the information form and return it to MedCom
  • If necessary MedCom clarifies any outstanding issues with the connected party for qualification of the information form
  • The information form is sent to the SDN provider TDC Erhverv by MedCom
  • TDC Erhverv contacts the connected party to set an installation date and if any technical clarification. If needed a coordination meeting is held
  • TDC Erhverv configures the SDN SD-WAN-equipment and sends it to the connected party with a setup guide and relevant information to make configuration chances in the connected parties own network
  • The connected party prepares for the installation
  • The installation and test of the connection is carried out on the agreed installation date

The SDN provider will only participate remotely under the installation for the activation and confirmation of the installation completion.

This also means that the connected party must ensure that during installation the necessary local network competence are available for adjustments and to make the necessary configuration changes in their own network.

The contact person for the above-mentioned procedure will, unless specified otherwise, be the organisational contact person which will be added to the Agreement System cf. the Connection Agreement.

Questions about joining or the finance model?

Please contact:

Telephone: (+45) 6543 2030


Portrætfoto af Peder Illum

Peder Illum



Portrætfoto af Lars Hillerup

Lars Hillerup



Portætfoto af Thomas Lindal Winther

Thomas Lindal Winther

