Bindeleddet i det digitale sundhedsvæsen


SDN user group

The SDN user group comprises:

  • One representative from each of the five regions
  • Two municipal representatives
  • One representative from Sundhedsdatastyrelsen (the Danish Health Data Authority)
  • One representative from (Health Portal)
  • One representative from PLO (The Danish Organisation of General Practitioners)
  • One representative from providers of medical systems
  • One representative from hospital suppliers
  • One representative from municipal care and health service systems 

The SDN operating supplier is invited to participate in the user group meetings as needed.

In practice, the SDN user group serves as a representative of the business in the systems administration of SDN, including support systems. The user group is tasked with closely monitoring operations and ensuring technical and security development, including advising the business steering board (MedCom’s steering board) on matters relating to appropriate practices in managing SDN.

The user group reports to MedCom’s steering board and is part of the systems administration organisation for joint public sector healthcare IT solutions (fællesoffentlige sundheds-it-løsninger – FSI). 

Click here to access the SDN user group mandate (PDF, in Danish). Please contact us for details

Details of the members of the SDN user group (in Danish) can be found here.

Details of SDN user group meetings (in Danish) can be found here.


Portrætfoto af Peder Illum

Peder Illum



Portrætfoto af Lars Hillerup

Lars Hillerup



Portætfoto af Thomas Lindal Winther

Thomas Lindal Winther

