Bindeleddet i det digitale sundhedsvæsen


SDN (Sundhedsdatanettet)

The Danish Health Data Network

SDN is a secured network for data communications in the Danish healthcare sector (public and private sections). SDN links secure local networks together in a shared infrastructure. SDN is among other used by NSP, FMK,, VDX, the KIH Database, and a number of local cross-sectoral and interregional operating solutions.

SDN supplements the commercial VANS network used for trans-sectoral exchange of XML and EDI messages.

SDN was commissioned by the MedCom steering group in 2003 to further MedCom’s Internet strategy.

About funding

SDN is funded jointly with the joint video infrastructure (VDX). SDN, including VDX, is subject to cost-neutral user funding. Most of the funding comes from Denmark’s municipalities and regions and, from the beginning of 2018, it is financed via a block grant. Other connected parties, including state organisations, IT providers and others, contribute co-funding in accordance with special rules (Danish version – please contact us for details).

As the operational aspect is exclusively user-funded, the following costs have to be met by the parties that sign up:

  • Overheads for a works operative, including accommodation, operational management, technical support for the connected network, monitoring and security logging
  • MedCom’s administrative costs for connection, statistics and maintenance of agreements
  • Technical development and maintenance, including replacement and upgrading of technical equipment and technological adaptation to new services.

Operation is designed to be self-financing, and the use of the monies collected is included as a separate item in MedCom’s audited financial statements. The fixed connection and subscription prices are adjusted annually in accordance with the state’s notified price and wage indexing rate. Any additional adjustments require a specific resolution from the MedCom steering group.

The breakdown into operation, further development and administration is included in MedCom’s ongoing budgeting and budget follow-up.

System facts

MedCom is a joint public-sector systems manager for SDN. SDN is part of the systems administration organisation for joint public sector healthcare IT solutions (fællesoffentlige sundheds-it-løsninger – FSI).

The joint public-sector systems management is organised with the MedCom steering group as the business steering board.

In association with SDN, a user group has been appointed, tasked with monitoring network operation and ensuring developments take place in technical and security matters.

Operating facts

TDC A/S and its external supplier Netic A/S operate SDNv3. MedCom entered into the contract with TDC A/S in 2016 after a public EU procurement procedure.

The operation of SDNv4 is managed by Nuuday – TDC Erhverv A/S and subcontractor Netic A/S. MedCom entered into the contract with Nuuday – TDC Erhverv A/S in 2023 after a public EU procurement procedure with negotiation.

Development and maintenance of the Agreement System is managed by the contract entered on SKI 02.17 with Atea and with KvalitetsIT as subcontractor.


Portrætfoto af Peder Illum

Peder Illum



Portrætfoto af Lars Hillerup

Lars Hillerup



Portætfoto af Thomas Lindal Winther

Thomas Lindal Winther

